What I Did With It: A Shug’s Delight: The Album from the 1990s That Made It to the Internet

A Shug’s Delight


Rich Man’s Country

Needle in the Rain

The Strike

Waitress In A Smokey Place

One Week in New York


Blue Windows

A Man’s Got To

Hey Hey Hey Hey Hey

Hotel Highway



Fly, Little Eagle

Song of the Woods



Composer, Lyricist, Vocalist, Guitarist, Keyboards: James S. Oppenheim.

Recording Engineer, Percussionist, Bassist, Guitarist: David R. Bergstein (DRB Productions).

Recording Location: White Oak, Silver Spring, Maryland.

Copyright Registration Date: August 27, 1990

Technology: TASCAM 4-Track.


New York State Monument, Antietam National Battlefield Park, Sharpsburg, Maryland – Color to B&W Conversions
